Pain is the only thing I grew up with... Nothing else can replace the pain in heart with happiness
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What A Girl Really Wants
What A Girl Really Want
1 Day A pair of couple went for a date
Girl Said : Thanks For The Fun
Boy Replied : No Problem
Girl Said : Can I Ask You A Few Question?
Boy Replied : Sure O.O
Girl Said : And....Be Honest
Girl Ask : I Have Ever Crossed Your Mind?
Boy Said: No
Girl Ask : Do You Like Me?
Boy Said: No
Girl Ask : Do You Want Me?
Boy Said: No
Girl Ask : Would You Cry If I left?
Boy Said: No
Girl Ask : Would You Live For Me?
Boy Said: No
Girl Ask : Would You Do Anything For Me?
Boy Said: No (NO Again)
Girl Ask : Choose Me Or Your Life?
Boy Said: My Life
The Girl Cried And Ran Away In Shock Depression
The Boy Ran After Her And Told Her....
The Reason You Never Cross My Mind Because You Always On My Mind,
The Reason Why I Don't Like You Is Because I Love You,
The Reason I Don't Want You Is Because I Need You,
The Reason Why I Wouldn't Cry If You Left Me Because I'll Die If you Left Me,
The Reason i Wouldn't Live For You is Because I Would Die For You,
The Reason I'm Not Willing To Do Anything For U Is Because I would Do EVERYTHING For U
The Reason I Choose My Life Is Because You Are My Life
Monday, May 3, 2010
Night And Day

I miss your eyes and tender smile
I miss your gentle touch and away
As much as I miss night and day
Emotions deep and painful past
And through it all I thought we'd last
Yet here I am in trembling fright
Oblivion, no day, no night
I miss those days with skies of blue
I miss those nights alone with you
You'd calm my fears and mend my heart
When day and night you would start
So many times you'd let me know
That I was safe when night's winds blow
With morning's brightness in your eyes
You start the day with clear blue skies
At night you'd dim the lights down low
And set loves passionate fire aglow
When morning's sunlight filled the room
Your waking kiss, my heart would swoon
And so it was you'd start the day
Until the nighttime came to play
If my Kristina went away
Oh, who will start the night and day?
Robert Louis Stevenson
When the golden day is done, Through the closing portal, Child and garden, Flower and sun, Vanish all things mortal. As the blinding shadows fall As the rays diminish, Under evening's cloak they all Roll away and vanish. Garden darkened, daisy shut, Child in bed, they slumber-- Glow-worm in the hallway rut, Mice among the lumber. In the darkness houses shine, Parents move the candles; Till on all the night divine Turns the bedroom handles. Till at last the day begins In the east a-breaking, In the hedges and the whins Sleeping birds a-waking. In the darkness shapes of things, Houses, trees and hedges, Clearer grow; and sparrow's wings Beat on window ledges. These shall wake the yawning maid; She the door shall open-- Finding dew on garden glade And the morning broken. There my garden grows again Green and rosy painted, As at eve behind the pane From my eyes it fainted. Just as it was shut away, Toy-like, in the even, Here I see it glow with day Under glowing heaven. Every path and every plot, Every blush of roses, Every blue forget-me-not Where the dew reposes, "Up!" they cry, "the day is come On the smiling valleys: We have beat the morning drum; Playmate, join your allies!" |
I can't sleep.
I wanna find a bridge and leap.
My feelings cut me deep.
I wanna cry.
I wanna kiss the world goodbye.
I feel locked up but Im free.
My heart feels cold to me.
People don't like me.
Death calls me.
I answer.
Sometimes....... I wished
times will change someone told me...but is it? the truth time will change and pass
ya may be it will pass but can never change wat I have done in the pass
sometimes feel like saying sry but the time juz aren't right haiz so death always call me
tell me r u guilty with ur action,I reli feel guilty so hell juz take me
4 wat i have done I prepare to go,but something I must be4 i go
I have to tell every1 tat i'm sry,tell the person i love the most wish them everyday when I gone
every ppl have given a life juz c u know how to use it wisely or not
hmm...I telling tis all 4 wat myself also didn't did anything good 4 my life
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Iron man 2

OMG Iron man 2 rocks and Cool
Six months after the end of the first movie, Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) has used his Iron Man armor to bring about a negotiated peace treaty between the major super powers of the world, and his immense popularity with the general public is only furthered when he fulfills his father's dream by opening the "Stark Expo", to showcase all the latest inventions that will benefit the world. Stark is, however, still vilified by the United States government, and Senator Stern (Gary Shandling) in particular, who demands that he hand his armor technology over for military application. Stark refuses, publicly shaming rival Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) in the process by highlighting his own failed attempts at recreating the technology. All is not well in Stark's life, however: he has discovered that the palladium in the arc reactor keeping his heart beating has begun to poison his body, slowly killing him, and all attempts to find a substitute element have failed. Slowly going off the rails as a consequence of what he believes to be his impending death, he appoints his former personal assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) CEO of Stark Industries, replacing her with Natalie Rushman (Scarlett Johansson).
While racing in Monaco, Stark is attacked by Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), who has constructed a miniaturized arc reactor of his own, including whip-like attachments harnessing the electrical energy. Defeating Vanko with the aid of his Mark V armor (a transforming briefcase), Stark discovers that Vanko is the son of disgraced Russian physicist Anton Vanko, who collaborated on the first arc reactor with Stark's father Howard (John Slattery). Vanko is promptly broken out of jail by a revenge-seeking Justin Hammer, who puts him to work fashioning a line of "Iron Drones" that he will use to upstage Stark at his own Expo.
Tony throws what he believes will be his last birthday party and promptly proceeds to get drunk whilst wearing the Iron Man armor, forcing his friend Lt. Colonel James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) to don the Mark II armor and subdue him. Disgraced, Stark is approached by Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D (Samuel L. Jackson), who provides him with a chest of his father's old artifacts that can hopefully be used to find a cure for his palladium poisoning. Reviewing the film reels in the chest, Stark discovers a message from his father that leads him to the original 1974 diorama of the Stark Expo: in reality, a disguised diagram for the atomic structure of a new element. Stark hand-builds a particle accelerator with the aid of his computer J.A.R.V.I.S. (voiced by Paul Bettany) and synthesizes this new element, creating a new triangular chest arc that cures his poisoning.
Simultaneously, at Stark Expo, Hammer unveils his new military drones, captained by Rhodes in a heavily-weaponized version of the confiscated Mark II armor. Stark arrives at the expo, and unfortunately, it is soon discovered that Vanko has complete control of both the drones and Rhodes's new armor, taking control and going on the attack moments after Stark arrives. As Stark battles against these remote-controlled enemies, Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) and Natalie (an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. agent named Natasha Romanoff) race to Hammer's Queens facility to stop Vanko. By the time they arrive, Vanko has already departed for the Expo in a new, more powerful suit of armor, but Natalie is able to give Rhodes control of his armor again so that he and Stark can fight Vanko together. The two armored allies combine their powers and successfully take Vanko down, but his armor and drones are revealed to have been equipped with self-destruct charges. As they begin to go off, Stark races to save Pepper, rescuing her at the last minute.After landing on a roof she quits her CEO position, and she finally gives Tony a kiss, to which they both find Rhodes sitting a few meters away. He then claims he was there first so they should get their own roof after Stark tries to defend himself.
At a debriefing, Fury informs Stark that while Stark is "unsuitable" for the "Avengers Initiative", S.H.I.E.L.D. wants Iron Man as a consultant. Stark agrees on the condition that Senator Stern present him and Col. Rhodes with their medals for bravery.
In a post-credits scene, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) is seen driving to a remote impact crater in the New Mexico desert. As he informs Fury over the phone that they've "found it", the crater is shown to contain Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor.
Ip man 2

cool man Ip man 2 is so nice and funny
Continuing from where the first film left off, Wing Chun master Ip Man and his family move to Hong Kong in the early 1950s after their escape from the Japanese. Ip Man decides to open a school to teach Wing Chun and propagate the martial art, as well as make his living. However, as Ip Man's fame is not well known in the region, he has a hard time looking for students. After more than a week, a young man named Wong Leung (Huang Xiaoming) appears and asks to be taught Wing Chun. Upon first meeting the unassuming Ip, Wong challenges him to a fight and declares he will take him as his master and pay his school fees if he loses. After a couple of rounds of sparring, Ip easily defeats Wong, sending the humiliated young man leaving and coming back with a group of his friends who attempt to gang up on Ip. However, they are no match for Ip as he beats them. Stunned and impressed by his skills, Wong and his friends become his students. Eventually, Wong brings in additional students.
One day, while Ip is out shopping for his family, he encounters his old friend Chow Ching-chuen (Simon Yam), who has become a beggar. Ip meets his son Kong-yiu, who tells him that his father suffered brain damage from a gunshot wound to the head while fleeing from the Japanese during their occupation years ago. As a result, Chow no longer recognizes anyone. Ip is saddened by his friend's fate and offers to help Kong-yiu take care of his father. He also helps Kong-yiu by finding him a job in a newspaper agency run by Leung Kan (Pierre Ngo), who earlier helped Ip find a suitable location for his Wing Chun school.
Meanwhile, Wong is caught pasting leaflets promoting Ip's school by Cheng Wai-kei and his friends, who are students practising Hung Ga. Cheng challenges Wong to a fight but loses. Although Wong won the fight, Cheng and his friends beat him up and take him back to their territory in the wet market. Ip receives word by the Hung Ga students to go and rescue Wong with money. When he reaches the market, Ip declares he has no money to give them and ends up in a huge fight with increasing numbers of Hung Ga students. Ip and Wong fight their way outside to meet Jin Shanzhao (Fan Siu-Wong), the martial artist and former bandit in the first film, with a group of his market co-workers who come to their rescue. Before things get more complicated, the local Hung Ga school master, Hung Chun-nam (Sammo Hung) arrives and breaks up the fight. However, Hung only listens to his students' side of the story and gets into a misunderstanding with Ip over their martial arts. Hung tells Ip that to set up his own school, he must be subjected to challenges posed by other martial arts masters in order for his Wing Chun art to be recognized. Ip, Wong and Jin are subsequently arrested by Fatso (Kent Cheng) for disturbing the peace. Later, Ip's wife Wing-sing, who is pregnant with their second child, goes to bail her husband out with money from Leung. Hung collects money from the other masters and himself to give to Superintendant Wallace of the police force monthly as protection fees.
Ip comes to the martial arts association hall to be subjected to fights with other martial arts masters. After winning in every fight culminating with a draw with Hung, Ip is allowed to keep running his school though he is ordered to pay up his monthly protection fees, which he refuses. Later, Hung's students stop people from joining Ip's Wing Chun school, which eventually causes a fight between them and Ip's students on the streets. Ip is forced to close his school due to residents' complaints. He goes to pay a visit to Hung to ask him to stop bothering him and his students. After a talk about the importance of one's family and beliefs, Ip and Hung come to an understanding, with the latter beginning to show respect for the Wing Chun master. He invites Ip and his students to a boxing competition held by the British to witness how the foreigners fight. Hung and his students help the British set up the location of the competition but almost come to blows with Wallace over his refusal of payment for their work.
The boxing competition begins with the various martial art schools displaying their skills at the opening ceremony. However, the boxing champion Twister (Darren Shahlavi) looks down on the Chinese martial arts and goes to the ring to openly taunt and beat the students, causing chaos as the masters try to break up the fight. As the reputation of the Chinese martial arts is at risk, Hung accepts a challenge by Twister to a fight. At first, both fighters are evenly matched, but Hung begins to weaken from shortness of breath and beaten severely. Although Ip tries to persuade Hung to stop the fight, the Hung Ga master is determined to prove himself and regain his fellow Chinese's honor and spirit. Ip and the other masters can only watch Hung helplessly as he is beaten to death by Twister.
News of Hung's death rapidly spread through the enraged Chinese populace. Leung is arrested by the police under Wallace's orders for revealing the truth in the competition in his newspapers and is beaten by the superintendant, but Fatso sets him free without further harm. Later, he assists Leung with his news by giving out information of his superior's corrupt dealings in the police force. Meanwhile, Wallace holds a press conference stating that Hung's death was an accident, with Twister announcing that he will accept any challenge from the Chinese out of goodwill. Ip arrives and challenges Twister to a duel to uphold the Chinese pride and honor.
While Wing-sing goes into labor, Ip begins his fight with Twister in the boxing competition. Like Hung, Ip is evenly matched with Twister as the boxer is much more tougher and stronger in his blows. After an attempt by the British to disallow Ip to use kicks during the fight, Ip is severely beaten several times by Twister. Eventually, he finds a way to get to Twister's weak spots and defeats the boxer. As the Chinese audience cheers, Wallace is arrested by his fellow officers in the police force thanks to the information publicized by Leung and Fatso. Ip gives a speech to the British people, stating that both Chinese and Western martial arts, although different in many ways, are equal and that both races should come to understand and respect each other. Ip goes home and reunites with his family, with Wing-sing having successfully given birth to their second child. A final scene shows Wong introducing a 10 year old boy to Ip who wishes to study Wing Chun: Bruce Lee. However, Ip tells the boy he should come back to him later when he is older. Years later, Bruce Lee, in his teenage years, begins to study Wing Chun under the tutelage of Ip.
Ip man reli nice at the end the ip man receive another student tat 1 2 learn "wing chun" and tats bruce lee tat small kid was like so cute OMG duno where they found tat kid to act so like the reli bruce lee....haha reli damn funny wei and cool and awesome and nice ^^
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