I miss your eyes and tender smile
I miss your gentle touch and away
As much as I miss night and day
Emotions deep and painful past
And through it all I thought we'd last
Yet here I am in trembling fright
Oblivion, no day, no night
I miss those days with skies of blue
I miss those nights alone with you
You'd calm my fears and mend my heart
When day and night you would start
So many times you'd let me know
That I was safe when night's winds blow
With morning's brightness in your eyes
You start the day with clear blue skies
At night you'd dim the lights down low
And set loves passionate fire aglow
When morning's sunlight filled the room
Your waking kiss, my heart would swoon
And so it was you'd start the day
Until the nighttime came to play
If my Kristina went away
Oh, who will start the night and day?
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